Friday, February 04, 2011

news from Charles at the Wickaninnish

A Note from CharlesPeople often ask me about the most romantic time of year in Tofino. My thought is that the singular beauty and remote nature of this place is a timeless inspiration for making -or rekindling- personal connections. However, February is only two weeks away, and the extremes of this dramatic season, from sunny moments at low tide to giant, rolling, wind-pummelled surf, will always hold a special place in my heart... Some of our guests talk about pausing in the midst of towering old-growth trees on the Rainforest Beach Loop Trail or on a long beach walk, equipped head to toe in our bright raingear. Other guests, well, don't venture much out of the haven of their accommodations. With picture windows bringing the outside right inn to every room and suite, custom furnishings, local art and the warmth of a gas fireplace, not to mention the availability of room service, I have to admit that even after almost fifteen years at the Inn, just sitting down in one of our comfortable armchairs looking out at the view is always a palpable temptation.

You've heard me talk about our commitment to continuous improvement throughout the Inn, and its technical aspects were carried out during this particularly productive early January closure period.